Frequently asked questions

Below are the questions commonly asked by Suncorp securityholders. For a more comprehensive list of FAQs, please refer to our share registry website MUFG Corporate Markets (AU) Limited,
A division of MUFG Pension & Markets Services.

Share Registry

1. How do I change my address on the Share Register?

If you are an Issuer Sponsored Security Holder (refer to section 8 below) you can change your address online by logging in to your portfolio on our share registry’s website For security purposes, if your security holding is of a certain value or relates to a deceased estate, you will need to complete and return a Change of Address form to our share registry. The Change of Address form can be found in the 'Forms' section of the share registry's website or alternatively the form can be located below.

CHESS Holders (refer to section 8 below) should notify their sponsoring broker of the change of address details in writing. The share registry will then receive this change electronically from the sponsoring broker.

2. How do I change my direct credit details?

You can change your direct credit details online by logging in to your portfolio on our share registry’s website For security purposes, if your security holding is of a certain value or relates to a deceased estate, you will need to complete and return the Request for Direct Credit of Payments form to our share registrar. The form can be located below.

3. Do I have to quote my Tax File Number (TFN) or Australian Business Number (ABN)?

It is not an offence to withhold your TFN or, where the securities are held for a business purpose, your ABN. However, if you do not provide your TFN or ABN, tax at the highest marginal tax rate may be deducted from payments of interest and the unfranked portion of dividends and distributions.

You can notify the share registry of your TFN or ABN online by logging in to your portfolio on our share registry’s website; or complete and return a Tax File Number or Australian Business Number Notification form to our share registry. The form can be found in the ‘Forms’ section of the share registry's website or alternatively the form can be located below.

4. Does the Company have a reinvestment plan?

Yes. Details are available on this website under Dividend Reinvestment Plan.

5. If I have more than one Suncorp shareholding can I consolidate them?

If both holdings are issuer sponsored and the names, addresses and banking instructions are identical, the duplicate holdings can be amalgamated. You can download a Merge Multiple Holdings form from share registry's website, or alternatively the form can be located below, complete and return it to the share registrar for processing. Please nominate the SRN you wish to retain.

The names, addresses and banking instructions of the two holdings must be identical before the share registry can amalgamate your holdings. You can compare and amend most of these details online.

If one or both of your holdings is on CHESS (broker sponsored), you will need to contact your broker to arrange for the amalgamation.

6. Can I transfer my Suncorp shares to another person?

Yes. However, the way you transfer your Suncorp shares will depend upon your circumstances.

If your holding is on CHESS (broker sponsored), you will need to contact your sponsoring broker who will arrange for the transfer on your behalf.

If you are Issuer Sponsored and wish to transfer your Suncorp shares to another person who is or will be Issuer Sponsored, you will need to complete and return an off-market transfer form to our share registry.

You can download a copy of the off-market transfer form from the share registry’s website or alternatively the form can be located below.

Alternatively, you may contact a sharebroker to arrange for your shares to be sold through the Australian Stock Exchange.

7. How do I buy and sell Suncorp shares?

If you buy or sell shares on market, you need to contact a licensed stockbroker to arrange the trade.

If you are an Issuer Sponsored Holder, you can also sell your shares through the share registry’s Share Sale Centre. You must provide your Securityholder Reference Number (SRN) and the sale must be for your entire holding.

Upon request, the share registry will dispatch a personalised Sale Authority Form, an Investor Identification Information Form and a Financial Services Guide for your consideration. These will outline the terms and conditions of the service they provide as well as the required information you will need to supply to enable the share registry to sell your shares.

If you are a CHESS (broker sponsored) Holder, you will need to contact your broker and will need your Holder Identification Number (HIN) to sell your shares.

8. Am I an Issuer Sponsored Holder or a CHESS (broker) Sponsored Holder?

If you have entered a sponsoring agreement with a broker (or another CHESS sponsor) then you are a CHESS Sponsored Holder - also referred to as a Broker Sponsored Holder. If not, then you are an Issuer Sponsored Holder.

CHESS Sponsored holdings are identified by a Holder Identification Number (HIN) while Issuer Sponsored holdings can be identified by a Securityholder Reference Number (SRN).

Your HIN or SRN appears on original holding statements. If you are unable to locate your holding statement, please call our share registry, MUFG Corporate Markets (AU) Limited, a division of MUFG Pension & Markets Services on 1300 882 012 (within Australia) or +61 2 8767 1219 (outside Australia) to order replacement copies (charges may apply).

Important note - your SRNs and/or HINs identify you as the owner of your securities and should be stored securely.

9. Are there any charges to transfer shares?

A fee of $55 (GST inclusive) applies for each transfer that requires a securityholder verification procedure. For payments made by cheque, an additional cheque handling fee of $10 (GST inclusive) will apply. The share registry will require parties to provide certified true copies of identification documents. If you have any queries please call the share registry on 1300 882 012 (within Australia) or +61 2 8767 1219 (outside Australia); or email and they will be able to advise you.

If you buy or sell your shares through a broker, or online, you will need to pay brokerage.

10. How can I find my Securityholder Reference Number (SRN) or Holder Identification Number (HIN)?

You can find your Securityholder Reference Number (SRN) or Holder Identification Number (HIN) printed on your holding statement. To request confirmation of your Shareholder Number, please contact the share registry by email to or by telephone on 1300 882 012 (within Australia) or +61 2 8767 1219 (outside Australia). Shareholder Numbers can only be sent by mail to the shareholder’s registered address. They cannot be provided by email or phone.

11. Do I have any unpaid dividends?

Your dividend history and advices are available online via our share registry’s website and details the net amount paid to you. Future payments (and in some cases, the outstanding payment) may be banked directly into your Australian bank, building society or credit union account. Payments made by direct credit are credited to your account as cleared funds, allowing you to access them on payment date. You may update your payment instructions by logging in to your portfolio on our share registry’s website

12. Where can I get a copy of the Annual Report?

You can obtain an electronic copy of the Annual Report through our website at

Alternatively, you can make a standing election or one-off request for a hard-copy report.

To make a standing election, log into your portfolio on the share registry’s website and select the ‘Communications’ tab at the top of the page. Follow the prompts to update your preferred communication option.

If you require an ad-hoc, additional physical or electronic copy of a document, or you need more information about the communication options available to you, please contact the share registry via email to

13. How often does the Company report its results and when does this occur?

Suncorp's financial year ends on 30 June and generally full year results are reported in August. The interim result for the six months to 31 December is generally reported in February.